Eric and Chris with Grandma and Grandpa in front of the Grandview House, 1978

1978 Grandma Gertrude Grandpa Home Chris Eric Grandview 1000px
Eric, Grandma, Chris, and Grandpa in front of 56 Grandview Street, 1978

It was more common for us to visit Grandma and Grandpa in San Diego, perhaps because California was a much more exciting place for us to go to than suburban Huntington was for our grandparents. But they did come to visit us a few times, and this is kind of a classic picture from one of those visits. Eric and I are wearing our Yankees baseball jackets, but Grandma and Grandpa look like they are all dressed up for something (probably just dinner). You can see the peach tree that was in our front yard just to the left of the picture, probably when it was just a sapling.

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