Mom with Grandma and Grandpa (and unknown relatives) at the Casa, 1998

Unknown relatives with Grandpa Homer, Grandma Gertrude, and Mom at Casa de las Campanas, 1998
Unknown relatives with Grandpa Homer, Grandma Gertrude, and Mom at Casa de las Campanas, 1998

I have my guesses as to who these relatives are with Grandma and Grandpa and Mom at “the Casa”, but I will wait to have someone confirm my guesses.

Grandma and Grandpa moved to the Casa de las Campanas senior living center and continuing care facility in the mid-1990’s, so Mom and Dad visited them regularly out in Rancho Bernardo.

One thought on “Mom with Grandma and Grandpa (and unknown relatives) at the Casa, 1998”

  1. Chris & Eric: hey there, ’tis Melissa Vilmure (your mom’s 1st cousin) in the blooming blouse and her partner Ann Hill on one of many Casa De Las Campanas visits with Uncle Homer and Aunt Gertrude . The visit’s timing was great as we were afforded a rare chance to chat with your mom and dad (he’s taking the photo).

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